Experimenting with multitaskingⅡ/マルチタスク実験中Ⅱ
Experimenting with multitaskingⅢ/マルチタスクⅢ実験中
Experimenting with multitaskingⅤ/マルチタスクⅤ実験中
Experimenting with multitaskingⅥ/マルチタスクⅥ実験中
Experimenting with multitaskingⅦ/マルチタスクⅦ実験中
Experimenting with multitaskingⅧ/マルチタスクⅧ実験中
Okinawa Naha Airport

Select 4 of these youtube videos and create a multiscreen on your PC monitor. When you activate each picture in picther, they can be moved freely on the monitor screen, so if you combine them well, you will have a multi-screen like the image below. The combinations are endless. have fun.